Primalvore Bone Broth for Dogs review & Giveaway

My dogs Ace and Remy were super excited they got to try the organic bone broth for dogs from the new company Primalvore. I love the name Primalvore, and this is a new brand I’m eager to share with you.

This is the first time my dogs have actually had bone broth, and they seem to love it. Primalvore’s bone broth is made with organic ingredients and without artificial flavors or preservatives.

Primalvore is the sponsor of this post. use code THATMUTT for 20% off your first order. Kattints ide.

The company is giving away a 12-ounce pouch of organic bone broth to two readers of That Mutt. just leave a comment at the end of this post to enter.

Primalvore Bone Broth Review

Primalvore’s bone broth is made by slowly simmering bones and water for up to 20 hours. This achieves a rich flavor. The company uses bones from certified organic sources. The company also adds organic turmeric and collagen to the broth. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. learn more on Primalvore’s website here.

The broth currently comes in four flavors: free-range chicken, grass-fed beef, duck or free-range turkey. We received the chicken and the beef.

The packages are 12 ounces and resealable (refrigerate after opening). The recommended serving size is about 1 ounce per 10 pounds so I split the pack of 12 ounces between my two 60-pound(ish) dogs. The product is packaged in BPA free standup pouches.

The broth contains no additives or artificial ingredients and is made from human grade ingredients and processed in a USDA/FDA approved facility, Primalvore said. The broth has a shelf life of 18 months.

Cost of Primalvore and ordering info

The cost is $10.99 per 12-ounce pack. They’re currently on sale for $9.99.

Primalvore promo code: Take 20% off your first order with code THATMUTT 


More ways to save:

Get 20% off if you sign up for a subscription.

Order 6 or more pouches and get free shipping.

More info – Primalvore bone broth for dogs

Bone broth is a natural source of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Primalvore said it can support mobility, gut health, digestion and a healthy coat and nails.

Bone broth is a supplement that can be fed to your dog between meals or added to your dog’s food. The broth can be mixed in with dry dog food, raw food or cooked food. Or, you can just feed it cold or warm on its own, depending on what your dog prefers.

Primalvore also suggested using the broth to re-hydrate freeze-dried food, and I recommend using it if your dog is a picky eater. It smells yummy!

I like Primalvore’s suggested to use the bone broth as a hydration before or after hikes, long walks or dog sports. since our pup Remy is a distance runner now, clocking 11+ miles in a stretch, we thought this would be healthy treat for him after his Saturday long runs. He loves it!

And our senior dog, well, he enjoys the bone broth too of course!

Primalvore is a new company, and I’m really delighted to be a part of spreading the word about them. The brand’s vision is:

“… to promote carnivorous and healthy eating for our canine companions. The approach is simple: create delicious and functional supplements, meals and treats made with thoughtfully sourced ingredients that are always wholesome, sustainable and human grade. premium ingredients and uncompromising quality are what sets Primalvore ahead of the pack.”

Primalvore video

Here is a video we made about Primalvore:

Ingredients in Primalvore bone broth for dogs

The ingredients in the bone broth are on the website and packaging. As an example, here are the ingredients of the chicken version:

Organic bone broth

Collagen peptides

Organic turmeric

What I like about Primalvore’s bone broth:


Source of amino acids, minerals and vitamins

Supports healthy joints, gut health and shiny coat

Dogs love!

Human grade

Grain free

Az USA-ban készült

Free-range chicken & grass-fed beef

I recommend the Primalvore bone broth for anyone who wants to give their dogs a nutritional boost or a healthy treat. If you feed your dog a homemade raw or homecooked diet, this would be a great supplement to add. If you feed your dog dry food, this is a way to add additional nutrients to his diet. itt Rendeljen.


Cost: $10.99 for 12 ounces. (Get 20% off on your first order with code THATMUTT)

This product may not be for you if you’dInkább készítsd el a saját csontlevest. Soha nem készítettem csontlevest, de ismerem az embereket, akik élvezik maguk és kutyáik készítését.

Ajándékozás – nyerj primalvore csontlevest a kutyájának

Primalvore egy 12 uncia tasak csontlevest ad el a mutt két olvasójának.

A belépéshez csak annyit kell tennie, hogy megjegyzést fűzzünk az alábbiakban, és véletlenszerűen választom ki a győztest április 3 -án. (Az Egyesült Államok levelezési címe a győzelemhez szükséges.) Mondja meg nekünk, miért szeretné a kutyája egy csontlevest!

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Érdekli kutyája a Primalvore csontleves a kutyák számára?

Tudassa velünk a megjegyzésekben. És kérjük, ossza meg ezt a bejegyzést mindenkivel, akit érdekelhet a Primalvore.

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